

At Links 2 Learning, we work with children, adolescents, and families to provide comprehensive psychological services and supports. We focus on identifying strengths and providing appropriate recommendations to help a child reach their maximum potential at school, home, and in the community. We provide a variety of services, including, but not limited to assessments for autism spectrum disorders, anxiety, depression, learning disabilities, AD/HD, trauma, developmental and intellectual disabilities, and other psychological disorders for children and adolescents. Along with evaluations, we offer consultation and advocacy services, including helping families understand and access the complex selection of supports and services available. Such supports include assisting families navigate the special education process.


A psychological, developmental, and/or a behavioral evaluation may be requested for a variety of reasons. Our evaluations may include assessment of intellectual functioning, academic skills, attention, processing, adaptive skills, language, executive functioning, behavior, social-emotional skills, development, and mental status.

We are very thorough and detailed in our evaluation process. Our commitment is to provide informational and comprehensive interpretations of data and recommendations for both home and school. We believe that a home-school-community collaboration is essential.

School-Based Services

Links 2 Learning’s staff has extensive knowledge and experience regarding special education and early intervention. We are well versed in federal and state law, including the Alabama Administrative Code. Throughout Alabama, we contract and provide services for both school systems and early childhood/preschool settings.

Psychoeducational Evaluation

A psychological evaluation, sometimes referred to as a psychoeducational evaluation, may be requested to determine the presence of a learning disability, AD/HD, to rule in or out an autism spectrum disorder, or a presence of an anxiety disorder or other psychological disorder. In addition, an evaluation and/or consultation with us may be requested to assist in determining special education or early intervention eligibility. Additionally, we provide services to assist with development and/or revision of Individualized Educational Program/Plan (IEP), 504 plans, classroom interventions, Service Plans, Individualized Family Service Plans (IFSP), and Behavior Intervention Plans (BIP).

Independent Educational Evaluations (IEE)

We also conduct independent educational evaluations (IEE). Every parent has a right to request an outside evaluation to be completed at the school district’s expense if results and/or outcomes from the school-based evaluation are not agreed upon.

Collaboration / Advocacy

We are frequently invited to special education and early intervention eligibility meetings and IEP meetings. We welcome partnership, and we greatly encourage home-school-community collaboration. Also, if requested, we are available to meet to review and discuss our evaluation results with any school/service provider.

Behavioral Interventions

Behavior is communication. We conduct specific formal and information observations, including functional assessments via data collection and analysis. We assist with developing and implementing behavioral interventions in the classroom, including teacher training, and ensuring fidelity of implementation. We also can assist with overall classroom management.


We are available for trainings regarding a variety of topics, including (but not limited to) behavior management, autism, mental health, social-emotional learning, educator and staff wellbeing, special education, social skills, early childhood mental health, ethics, and other specific psychological disorders. If you have a request, please contact us to discuss. We are always open to new ideas and developing new trainings to meet your need.


Especially in early childhood settings, mental health classroom observations are needed. We provide such services, which allows for agencies and administration to ensure state and federal compliance.


At Links 2 Learning, we work with children, adolescents, and families to provide comprehensive psychological services and supports. We focus on identifying strengths and providing appropriate recommendations to help a child reach their maximum potential at school, home, and in the community. We provide a variety of services, including, but not limited to assessments for autism spectrum disorders, anxiety, depression, learning disabilities, AD/HD, trauma, developmental and intellectual disabilities, and other psychological disorders for children and adolescents. Along with evaluations, we offer consultation and advocacy services, including helping families understand and access the complex selection of supports and services available. Such supports include assisting families navigate the special education process.


A psychological, developmental, and/or a behavioral evaluation may be requested for a variety of reasons. Our evaluations may include assessment of intellectual functioning, academic skills, attention, processing, adaptive skills, language, executive functioning, behavior, social-emotional skills, development, and mental status.

We are very thorough and detailed in our evaluation process. Our commitment is to provide informational and comprehensive interpretations of data and recommendations for both home and school. We believe that a home-school-community collaboration is essential.

School-Based Services

Links 2 Learning’s staff has extensive knowledge and experience regarding special education and early intervention. We are well versed in federal and state law, including the Alabama Administrative Code. Throughout Alabama, we contract and provide services for both school systems and early childhood/preschool settings.

Psychoeducational Evaluation

A psychological evaluation, sometimes referred to as a psychoeducational evaluation, may be requested to determine the presence of a learning disability, AD/HD, to rule in or out an autism spectrum disorder, or a presence of an anxiety disorder or other psychological disorder. In addition, an evaluation and/or consultation with us may be requested to assist in determining special education or early intervention eligibility. Additionally, we provide services to assist with development and/or revision of Individualized Educational Program/Plan (IEP), 504 plans, classroom interventions, Service Plans, Individualized Family Service Plans (IFSP), and Behavior Intervention Plans (BIP).

Independent Educational Evaluations (IEE)

We also conduct independent educational evaluations (IEE). Every parent has a right to request an outside evaluation to be completed at the school district’s expense if results and/or outcomes from the school-based evaluation are not agreed upon.

Collaboration / Advocacy

We are frequently invited to special education and early intervention eligibility meetings and IEP meetings. We welcome partnership, and we greatly encourage home-school-community collaboration. Also, if requested, we are available to meet to review and discuss our evaluation results with any school/service provider.

Behavioral Interventions

Behavior is communication. We conduct specific formal and information observations, including functional assessments via data collection and analysis. We assist with developing and implementing behavioral interventions in the classroom, including teacher training, and ensuring fidelity of implementation. We also can assist with overall classroom management.


We are available for trainings regarding a variety of topics, including (but not limited to) behavior management, autism, mental health, social-emotional learning, educator and staff wellbeing, special education, social skills, early childhood mental health, ethics, and other specific psychological disorders. If you have a request, please contact us to discuss. We are always open to new ideas and developing new trainings to meet your need.


Especially in early childhood settings, mental health classroom observations are needed. We provide such services, which allows for agencies and administration to ensure state and federal compliance.

Contact Info

(205) 861-0594

(205) 623-0266

3100 Lorna Rd/STE 103, Birmingham, AL 35216

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School Based Services

Psychoeducational Evaluation

Independent Educational Evaluations (IEE)

Collaboration / Advocacy

Behavioral Interventions



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